Most rental cars have a cruise control option to help drivers who get sleepy or exhausted while driving long distances. This feature can be turned off automatically when the driver is ready to resume driving. Cruise control is beneficial for car rental owners. However, there are a few things to know when you wish to rent a car with cruise control. Continue reading the blog to discover more.
Verify the Policy of the Company on the Cruise Control Feature
Be careful to review the car rental company's usage guidelines before renting a cruise control vehicle. Some owners might impose additional costs or limitations on its use.
Learn How to Use It
Spend some time getting familiar with the cruise control system before you start driving. To learn how to turn on, set, and modify the cruise control speed, consult your car's owner's manual.
Use the Feature only on Highways and Smooth Routes
The cruise control works best on highways and other smooth roads where the speed is constant. It is suggested to be cautious when using it on slick surfaces, in high traffic, or on twisting routes.
Keep Your Eyes on the Road and Hands on the Wheel
You cannot let go of the steering wheel or stop paying attention to the road when you are using cruise control. Always keep your hands on the wheel and be aware of any potential dangers.
Adapt the Cruise Control Speed to the Driving Conditions
Always alter the cruise control's speed in accordance with the state of the road. If the road is slick or damp, reduce your speed. In addition, slow down or speed up when traveling up or down hills.
Avoid using the Feature in Congested Areas and Traffic
It is better to avoid utilizing cruise control when there is a lot of traffic. You must possess the quick-thinking necessary to adjust to shifting traffic situations.
Disable Cruise Control as You Approach Exits or Merge Lanes
While approaching exits, merging lanes, or changing lanes, it is imperative to turn off cruise control. This enables you to continue to have complete control over the car.
Maintain a Proper Distance from Other Vehicles
It's crucial to maintain a safe distance from other cars when using cruise control. Maintain a minimum two-second separation from the car in front of you.
Keep in mind that using cruise control in a car rental be practical and safe, but it does not replace vigilant driving.