While UAE as a whole and Dubai in particular offer plentiful car rental choices, the experience may not always be pleasant due to devious techniques deployed by some unsavory car rental agencies – or sheer oversight on your part. This article will help you avoid all such situations.
Confirm USPs
With so much competition, every car rental company has its own set of unique offerings; say a particular model not available with most other car rental agencies, or a special discount, or perhaps an irresistible price irrespective of the car you rent. Whatever be the case, feel free to inquire.
Do your own Research
Don’t readily take the word of the car rental company. Today, thanks to the Internet, there are ample third-party platforms where you can get an independent unbiased view of the rental agency you are planning to patronize. Do look up these sites and see what people have to say about them.
Do Negotiate
Many customers simply fail to negotiate, even when most car rental companies are aware of such a possibility (and hence quote higher prices initially). As a savvy car renter, don’t hesitate to negotiate. Especially if you are looking to rent for a long term, or are perhaps going in for a model which is not very popular, there is a good chance that a lower price will be offered to you.
Read the Rental Agreement
Many car renters simply fail to review the car rental agreement. Make sure you do not make that mistake. You must review the rental agreement and confirm every single detail such as your liability in case of an accident, the amount of fuel you will get when you rent a car in Satwa or any other location in the Emirate, when and how you should be returning the vehicle, and much more.
Confirm Hidden Charges
Car rental companies often end up seeking charges that prove to be complete surprises to customers. For instance, while you would be aware of the date on which you are to return a vehicle, the time for that will not be specified to you. Yet, when you go to return the vehicle, you might just be told that you are late in returning the vehicle and therefore a “late fee” would be levied, to your complete bewilderment!
Some basic precautions at your end can end up making a significant difference when it comes to the overall car rental experience that you have. At Speedy Drive Car Rental, we pride ourselves on consistently offering a pleasant car rental experience to our customers – come and cherish that first-hand at your convenience!