There are some common mistakes made by a lot of car rental customers. Below we list 4 of them so that you too do not end up making them.
Do not Ignore the Discounts
Car rental companies invariably have a variety of discount offers. They are explicit on some of them while they expect customers to inquire about other discounts before offering them. Therefore, you must ensure that you are emphatic about seeking discounts. Make it clear from the outset that you expect discounts on your car rental agreement, the fact that you have always got a discount with other car rental firms, etc.
Being Oblivious to Offers and Promotions
Besides discounts, there are a variety of offers and promotions that are run by car rental firms. For instance, you could avail a higher category vehicle at the price of a lower category one. Further, car rental firms often throw in various add-ons without any extra charge, to keep customers happy. The key is to give car rental firms the impression that you are in for the long haul and would remain a loyal customer as long as the sweetest possible deal is extended to you.
Pre-Paying for Fuel
You need not pre-pay for fuel. This is especially true for short haul trips where you are very unlikely to consume anywhere near the fuel that you will pay for. In fact, in most such short car rental agreements, the cost of fuel is built into the rental cost so there is no need to pay anything extra for fuel at all.
In other, longer car rental agreements too, always evaluate if it is worthy to pre-pay for fuel. That is because many car rental firms tend to charge higher rates for fuel than what you would pay if you were to fill up fuel in the vehicle yourself. So, the concept of ‘Empty to Empty’ where you get an empty fuel tank at the time of renting and in turn return back the vehicle with an empty tank – with no obligation on your part to account for fuel, might actually make a lot of sense.
Purchasing Insurance when you are already covered
Many car rental customers make the mistake of buying insurance on their rental cars when they are already covered with comprehensive insurance plans. Don’t make this mistake.
At the same time, the contrary should also not be done – avoiding insurance when you have no insurance cover!
At Speedy Drive, we encourage all our customers to avoid making the mistakes as listed above.